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Welcome Fall!


Updated: Sep 30, 2022

Well here we are again at the official end of summer. It is a time of anticipation, the fall season is finally ahead of us. We sigh with relief as our kids are back at school after an action packed summer of camps and road trips, vacations and the inescapable sibling dramas. We have perspired with our air conditioners working overtime, we have ran between rain drops when busy running errands during the summer thunderstorms. We look forward to a calmer, more predictable season ahead. We hope to rejuvenate ourselves with the cooler temps, we look forward to going outdoors again and enjoy playing in nature. We plan to engage in our daily walks, attend events at the parks and buy pumpkin lattes (or at least iced pumpkin coffees). But wait, yet it also the peak of hurricane season here in Florida. So with that anticipation, there is often some trepidation, a worry that maybe we shouldn’t completely let go and enjoy the moment. Some of us worry, especially those of us who have experienced past storms that maybe there is a potential disaster ahead of us and we cannot exactly relax. We are anxious about what may be just ahead of us, around the corner. We cannot enjoy THIS moment. Our lives are often filled with this irony, being unable to enjoy today and the gifts that are in our midst because we are anticipating possible (not usually probable) occurrences. There have been storms in most, if not all of our lives, as part of our human experience. There have been painful childhoods, abuse, losses, divorce and other traumas. We think that this anxiety and the subsequent “holding back” and minimizing of our excitement will protect us from the disappointment if “bad things” were to happen. We allow our pasts to shape our present experiences. But this way of thinking and behaving guarantees a today that is not “all that it can be”. It is a today where there is discomfort and fear instead of joy and full expression.

With awareness and intention, we can choose to “let go” of our pasts, healing those burdens which hold us back and move into our futures filled with hope, anticipation and gratitude for those gifts which are in our “PRESENT”. Individual therapy is one way to bring balance back into our lives. Erika and I are firm believers in this path to fulfillment but there are other roads.

Some of you may choose to jumpstart this process by attending our “Letting Go” Retreat Weekend, scheduled for January 2023. This is an opportunity to be seen, validated and supported while healing your past. Others may already be on the path to self recovery and have committed to remembering to put joy and trust back into your everyday lives. Our “Reflections In Nature “ Saturday morning workshops beginning in October will be perfect for you. Finally, If you feel that current storms have left you “beaten up” you might look forward to a peaceful yet insightful retreat with fun and community at our “Weeki Wachee River “ get way weekend in November. Whatever your route is to fully embody the potentiality and excitement of daily life, we encourage you not to waste another minute and to bask in this moment! Enjoy that pumpkin latte! Love, Cathe and Erika



REFLECTIONS IN NATURE SERIES October 2022 - March 2023

Join us for monthly Saturday outdoor gatherings in nature where we engage in creative activities to reveal more about our true selves. Light, fun and interactive exercises provide possibility for self discovery and connection with others. Each session will offer new opportunities to explore, express and deepen our understanding of self through the use of meditation, music, art, dance, energy work and more. Saturdays 9:00am-11:00am at Commons Park Our first gathering is on: Saturday, October 22, 2022 (additional dates to be shared) COST: $30 each Saturday session


Join us for a three day retreat surrounded by nature where we will relax, rejuvenate and reflect. The retreat will offer fun, interactive and reflective experiences including meditation, visualization, group processes, ceremony, explorative and expressive art, kayaking and more. It’s a great opportunity for self discovery, healing, play and connection.

COST: $850 - $999 (depending on room space) Includes all weekend activities, shared room lodging, & meals.


Sometimes we hold onto things that don’t serve us. They might be ideas, beliefs, fears, expectations, and even people. Letting go can set us free and open the door to healing. This retreat will offer fun, interactive and learning experiences including meditation, visualization, didactics, group processes, ceremony, explorative and expressive activities, and more. Spend a weekend discovering what keeps you chained and learn how to let go so you can begin your own personal transformation!

$900 - $1050 (depending on room space) includes: all weekend activities, shared room lodging & meals

Connect with us to RSVP for any of our upcoming events RSVP


More about your playful facilitators: Cathe Reiss, LCSW, ACHT has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Florida for over 20 years. She is also an Advanced Heart Centered Hypnotherapist trained through the Wellness Institute of Washington state. She combin

es traditional psychotherapy with alternative healing. Cathe's life purpose is to help others find joy and connection in their lives by assisting them in healing their old emotional wounds and releasing their self limiting beliefs so that they can create the positive, fulfilling futures they desire.

Erika Cohane, LCSW, ACHT is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Advanced Heart Centered who has been working in the field since 1993. She specializes in change work for human potentiality, personal growth and self actualization. As an empathetic professional, she creates a comfortable and non-judgmental relationship with her clients. Erika is committed to helping others address their challenges, enabling them to find and experience peace and fulfillment in their lives.



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